ENERGYEN was awarded for export achievement of 30 million dollars in 2009 while
moving forward as a superb company by implementing cutting-edge technologies.
Prime Minister Lee of South Korea Visited Energyen Booth during 2019 OTC
Prime Minister Lee of South Korea Visited Energyen Booth during 2019 OTC
작성일 2019/05/20 조회수 73710
첨부파일 첨부파일OTC Picture.jpg   

Energyen Corporation who attended the 2019 OTC, held in Houston USA from May 6th to 9th is excited to have its Prime Minister Lee at its own booth during the show. Especially during his visit with accompanying over 30 government officers and associates, Energyen has the opportunity to introduce its company history, core competencies, key customers and market outlook for Oil and Gas industry long with the increasing LNG gas industry booming.


During the introduction, PM Lee was very impressed by its capabilities of doing business with global leaders such as GE, Siemens and MHPS as well as its export share of over 80% out of total revenue, which is over $50M in a year average.

VP of Global Sales, Mike Kim has briefed all related company introduction to PM and PM has confirmed that the Government would continue support kinds of strong export companies like Energyen to help develop its market competitiveness as well as key customers by supporting so called business friendly strategies such as stable labor markets and financial systems.


By growing Oil & Gas industry especially for LNG sector, Energyen is expected to expand its new markets at Oil & Gas Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessel(Drums) over $20M in this year and annual $30M over from year 2020 and thereafter.


All Energyen senior management and employees are now focusing on developing and expanding its core markets and key competency to achieve the outcomes.