ENERGYEN manufactured equipment totaling $1,000,000,000+ since inception,
upholding a tradition of quality and reliability in plant equipment manufacturing.
Our Culture

Our recruiting philosophy emphasizes hiring capable
and ownership-driven individuals with a growth mindset

We believe that a company’s future growth depends entirely
on the growth of its people.

Creating value for ENERGYEN

We select individuals who consider the progress of the company as the progress of oneself and vice versa

  • Active thinking

    Set bold goals and achieve them with creativity and problem-solving
  • Proactive behavior

    Demonstrate proactive ownership and foresight into anticipated issues
  • Thorough
    handling of work

    Commit to see through the end-to-end process with strong attention to detail
  • Self-management

    Manage self-wellbeing, mental and physical health, and relationship with family to bring out one’s best self
  • Pursuit of Happiness

    Pursue happiness by achieving a sense of growth and belonging with ENERGYEN