ENERGYEN manufactured equipment totaling $1,000,000,000+ since inception,
upholding a tradition of quality and reliability in plant equipment manufacturing.

The ENERGYEN R&D center is
pursuing productivity improvement through persistent research and
development and maximizing customer satisfaction

List for research and development

List for research and development
Project names Periods
Integration of plasma fusion system and its optimization technology development Oct, 2007 ~ Current
Development of clean Biosyngas manufacturing process by vaporizing Biomass  Oct, 2007 ~ Current
Development of dynamically optimized system for hydrogen gas heat exchanger Jun, 2007 ~ Current
Evaluation for heat transferring performance of natural convection in circular vent pipe  ’Sep, 2006 ~ Apr, 2007
Development of  manufacturing process and inspecting equipment for spring bar to
produce stator horizontally
’Jul, 2005 ~ Jun, 2006
Localizing main stop valve parts for steam turbines  ’04.09~’06.08 Sep, 2004 ~ Aug, 2006