ENERGYEN manufactured equipment totaling $1,000,000,000+ since inception,
upholding a tradition of quality and reliability in plant equipment manufacturing.
Feedwater Heater


This equipment is essential for enhancing power generator efficiency by preheating the feedwater. This process not only improves efficiency but also minimizes the risk of damage due to thermal stress from temperature variations in the boiler tubes. A single feedwater heater incorporates cooling, condensing, and desuperheating zones, necessitating meticulous engineering and manufacturing.

ENERGYEN stands at the forefront of competitive prowess in the basic and detailed design of LP and HP feedwater heaters.



ENERGYEN conducts thorough vibration, stress, and fatigue analyses to ensure superior product quality and customer confidence. ENERGYEN is adept at designing and manufacturing LP and HP feedwater heaters in compliance with international codes, such as ASME, HEI, TEMA, METI, and others.